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Stay at Fay

Stay at Fay is our aftercare program, allowing Fay students to stay on campus after school. Stay at Fay is designed to be a play date every day of the week. Our day is filled with a variety of activities including arts and crafts, games, books, music, outdoor activities, and more! We schedule our day with a routine of active and quiet periods of play, both indoors and outdoors. The program is open for students from the end of the school day until 6:00pm.

If you have questions regarding our Stay at Fay program, please contact the Extended Day office at 713-681-8300.

Stay At Fay Pricing Per Grade

Primary I & II Pricing

Primary students staying beyond 3:15pm will be given a snack. If your child has dietary restrictions, please provide your own snack. 

Time Price
2:30–3:15/3:45pm $176 per weekday/per Semester
2:30–4:30pm $239 per weekday/per Semester
2:30–6:00pm $456 per weekday/per Semester
Drop–in Pricing $35/day

Kindergarten - Fifth Grade Pricing

K-5 students staying for SAF will be given a snack every day between 3:15-3:30pm. If your child has dietary restrictions, please provide your own snack.

Time Price
3:15–3:45pm $83 per weekday/per Semester
3:15–4:30pm $209 per weekday/per Semester
3:15–6:00pm $456 per weekday/per Semester
Drop–in Pricing $35/day

Stay at Fay Sample Schedule by Grade

Primary I & II

Time Activity
2:30–3:15pm The Extended Day Staff take students to the SAF classroom for story time and free play in centers.
3:15–3:45pm Students enjoy an afternoon snack and outdoor free play.
3:45–4:45pm Staff lead Students in themed activities and games, then have time in centers or outdoor play.
4:45–5:45pm Students are given the choice of visiting the library to read books and use iPads, or the gym for group games and free play.

Kindergarten - Fifth Grades

Time Activity
3:15–3:30pm Students enjoy an afternoon snack.
3:30–4:45pm Students are given the opportunity to work on homework, play outside, and participate in staff-led activities.
4:45–5:45pm Students are given the choice of visiting the library to read books and use iPads, or the gym for group games and free play.

Late Pickup Fee 
A late fee is incurred when a child is not picked up from Stay at Fay at their registered pick-up time. The late pick-up fee is $5.00 per minute per child. All carpools will run for 15 minutes, after which, fees will be applied.  

If you wish to change your schedule: 
Please contact the Extended Day office at or 713-681-8300 in order to make any changes to your schedule. 

Fall 2024 Semester: 

  • One or more Stay at Fay registrations can be canceled for a full refund less a single $50 fee (each time one or more registrations is dropped) through August 30, 2024.

After these dates, all registration fees for Stay at Fay and After School Activities are non-refundable and non-transferable.  

Pricing for the program varies and is designed to allow siblings to be picked up from school at  the same time, even when they are dismissed from school or activities at different times. Parents must choose which day(s) of the week their child will attend Stay at Fay before the semester begins. You can register for as many as five days a week or as few as one day a week. We also  offer childcare for parents who need care on an occasional basis, through our drop-in component of Stay at Fay. Parents must register at least twenty-four hours in advance to use the drop-in component of the program, and drop-in care is billed monthly.

The prices listed are for one semester. The prices are for one day of every week for the current semester. For example, registration for Monday would include every Monday from the start of the semester until the end of the semester.

If a family is in need of childcare for five days each week, these prices would be multiplied by five and that total would be their semester cost. For example, childcare Monday–Friday (five days a week) for one Primary student from 2:30–3:15pm would cost $880 ($176 multiplied by five days) for the semester.