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Project-Based Learning

“What is Project-Based Learning?”

Project-based learning is a student-centered teaching methodology that involves a dynamic classroom approach where students acquire a deeper knowledge through active exploration of real-world challenges and problems. Our students talk about leadership and then put it into action! When students learn by doing and reflecting, they retain more information. By integrating active learning, our students practice leadership through outdoor adventures, team building activities, and simulations where theories or hypotheses are tested. Students’ grit and resolve are addressed through reflection practices. Guiding questions lead children to think deeply about themselves and academic topics.

See Project-Based Learning in Action On The Fay School Blog

A School Composting Program Turns into Deep Learning

At Fay, Project-Based Learning (PBL) is integrated into our Science and Social Studies curriculum. PBL is a teaching method where "students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects." PBL, fittingly, supports Fay's efforts to achieve Priority 4 of our strategic plan – to strengthen community partnerships. One new partnership that Fay formed this year is with Moonshot Compost  (link is external)to help with the school's Composting Program.

Read More about A School Composting Program Turns into Deep Learning
Fay Utilizes Project Based Learning For Powerful Instruction

Morgan B. Scoville, Head of School, M.Ed.

On Monday, October 11, 2021, our entire Faculty participated in an all-day Project Based Learning Workshop facilitated by Jessica Catoggio, the Director of Professional Learning at the World Leadership School. The World Leadership School partners with K-12 Schools to “reimagine learning and create next-generation leaders.”

Read More about Fay Utilizes Project Based Learning For Powerful Instruction