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Fay at a Glance

Admissions Information

Admissions Application Fee (non-refundable): $200

Application Deadline: January 20 for first-round application consideration. Rolling admission is available after January 20.

Admission Priorities: Qualified siblings

Ratio of Applicants to Openings: Varies. Main entry points are in Primary I and Primary II.

Weekday Tours: The Fay School invites you to schedule an individual tour by emailing Director of Admissions, Megan Bryan.

Fay Admissions

Accreditations / Memberships: ACA | American Camp Association
AEE | Association for Experiential Education 
AFP | Association of Fundraising Professionals
ASCD | Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
CASE | Council for Advancement and Support of Education
EMA | Enrollment Management Association
ERB | Educational Records Bureau
ESHA | Elementary School Heads Association
HAAEYC | Houston Area Association for the Education of Young Children
HAIS | Houston Area Independent Schools
HAISLN | Houston Association of Independent Schools Library Network
ISAS | Independent Schools Association of the Southwest
ISEEN | Independent Schools Experiential Education Network
ISM | Independent School Management Consortium
NAIS | National Association of Independent Schools
TANS | Texas Association of Nonpublic Schools

Fast Facts

Population:  Coeducational, 300 students

Student Teacher Ratio:  8:1

Religious Affiliation: Non-sectarian

Curriculum: Language arts, mathematics, social studies, technology, engineering, science, Spanish, physical education, library, music and motor, leadership development, outdoor education, and art. Learn more about our Academic Program.

Primary Division: 8:25am–2:30pm
Kindergarten – Second Grade: 8:15am–3:15pm
Third – Fifth Grade: 8:15am–3:30pm

Extended Day: “Stay at Fay” for all grades offered Monday through Friday until 6:00pm. Learn more about our Stay at Fay Program.

Tuition Range: $22,500 - $30,000

Payment schedule: Quarterly or Annual

Financial Aid: Financial Aid available for students. Financial Aid is need-based.

Tuition Refund Plan: A. G. Dewar, Inc.

Campus: Eight acres, five buildings, spacious playgrounds, Havens Outdoor Education Center, Fay Forest, Fay Farm, Chicken Coop, and Nature Trails.

Uniforms: Required for all students and to be purchased at Lands' End. 

Meals: Lunch service is provided by Simply Fresh and available for all students.

FAYcation Program: Available for all grades, summer camp activities. Learn more about FAYcation